Prompt and complete removal of engorged ticks is vital to avoiding tick-borne diseases.
The correct way to remove ticks using fine-tipped tweezers .
Don't panic not all ticks carry diseases that can make you sick!
- Remove the tick as soon as you realise it's on you.
- Never remove a tick with your fingers.
- Aggravating a tick by squeezing, burning or putting any substance on it can cause the tick to release its toxic saliva into you which may increase the risk of infection and tick-borne diseases.
- Using fine pointed tweezers grip the tick as close to the surface of the skin as possible.
- Pull upward with even steady pressure and never twist or jerk a tick out.
- Always disinfect the bite area, and wash your hands and disinfect the tweezers before and after use.
- Don’t wait to see a doctor to remove a tick. It is easy to remove a tick safely by using pointed tweezers. Use TickEase tweezers.TickEase is designed to do the job!
- If you ever experience any reactions (allergic/anaphylactic) to tick bites, seek medical assistance immediately.
- Ticks only penetrate the skin with their hypostome (the mouthpiece). Their bodies do not embed under the skin. If the hypostome stays in, disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol. It will expel itself, just like a splinter. If you're concerned, seek medical help.
- Many people have tales of coming in from gardening or bushwalking covered in many tiny larvae and nymph ticks.
- These ticks are no bigger than a poppy seed and very difficult to detect.
- Being infested with these guys can cause you to become extremely itchy
- The discomfort can last for days or even weeks.
Bicarb Soda Baths
- Bicarb soda creates an alkaline environment unfavourable to ticks, encouraging the larvae and nymphs to drop off. Bicarb soda is useful if you have a high incidence of infestations while spending time outdoors and being exposed to getting bitten on a regular basis. Emergency & First Aid: The Walking Club.
- Bicarb soda baths are generally used for babies and small children and for removing larvae or nymphs. It may be a valuable alternative for adults who have concerns about other treatments (allergic reactions) or need to remove infestations frequently. Add two cups of bicarb soda in a deep bath. Make sure your whole body is immersed, stay soaking for as long as possible.
- Spot any remaining ticks with Lyclear® to effectively kill them. Lyclear should be thoroughly rinsed off after use.
- Lyclear® scabies cream containing 5% permethrin. Repeat the application after one minute. Then gently remove ticks with fine-tipped tweezers. Note: Do not use Lyclear Dermal Cream in newborns and infants less than two months of age. Seek medical supervision before treating children up to 23 months of age.
To avoid becoming 'Tick Sick', it is essential to remove these tiny ticks as quickly and efficiently as possible. They are no bigger than a poppy seed challenging to see as well as numerous in numbers. Removing them with pointy tip tweezer will do the job. However, if you have a significant amount you may need to remove them in conjunction with other methods. The faster you can safely kill them the better for your health.
The Australian Department of health guidelines, and "Therapeutic Guidelines: Toxicology and Wilderness" both recommend the use of “fine-tipped” or “pointy” tweezers for the proper and effective removal of ticks for humans.
IMPORTANT Using blunt household tweezers can increase the chances of tearing the tick and are not effective in removing tiny nymph-stage ticks or when the tick is engorged. Prompt and complete removal of engorged ticks is vital to avoiding tick-borne diseases. TickEase is designed to do the job!
The content and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.