Tick And Mosquito-Proof Your Summer: Defeat Ticks And Mosquitoes for Good
mosquito repellent mosquitoes mozzies tick removal ticks

Ticks and Mosquitoes sure love to spoil our outdoor fun. Should we worry that Mozzies and Ticks are on the increase? Ticks and mosquitoes are more than just an irritating nuisance. They are a severe health concern worldwide. Changes in our landscape, world travel, and climate create the perfect storm for the spread of new and emerging diseases that both ticks and mosquitoes carry.Ticks and mosquitoes transcend mere annoyances. They possess the power to mar our outdoor enjoyment and pose a substantial global health risk. These blood-thirsty insects rank among the deadliest creatures on Earth, harbouring a host of life-threatening...
Spring Time is Tick Time
Be Tick Safe One Tick Bite can Change Your Life Summer Time is Tick Time TickEase

Tick Days are here. In Australia, Springtime marks the beginning of our tick season. Each female tick can produce up to 3,000 eggs and lay them in humid dark regions. They are growing, going from larval, nymph, to adult, and can be the size of just a tiny poppy seed, so you need to be tick aware! Preparing to prevent and remove ticks safely is key to avoiding Tick-Borne Diseases. Prevention Tips for You and Your Family: Avoid long grass, piles of leaves, low-hanging branches, and sitting on old logs; Remember to always walk on the track as ticks sit...
How to Create your own Tick Kit to keep your Family and Pets Safe.

Do you love warm weather? Unfortunately, so do ticks. Ticks thrive year-round in Australia, but they’re particularly active during tick season. Here’s how to protect your family and pets by creating your own tick kit. The importance of tick prevention Did you know that ticks can carry harmful pathogens that affect humans and animals? Just one tiny bite from a tick can cause serious illness, disease and sometimes a permanent health condition.Tick-Borne diseases include: Relapsing Fever Borrelia Bartonella Rickettsia Babesia Anaplasma and others This is why tick prevention is so important to keep your loved ones safe.Even a bite from...

TICKS ARE ACTIVE NOW Beware people and pets In Australia, the official start of tick season has always been September. Due to changes in our climate and the warming weather, ticks can be active all year round. Your risk of of being bitten by a Nymph tick is high right now. The female paralysis tick lays around 3,000 to 4,000 eggs and currently they are hatching in dark warm places like leaf litter, under logs and trees, etc. These tiny Nymph ticks can be as small as a poppy seed. They are starving and on the move looking for a good feed of blood....
How to Protect Your Pets From Ticks
cats Dogs pets and ticks Tick-Borne disease TickEase tweezers